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Terms of use


This website, (website), is operated by Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH, Sektkellereistraße 5, 06632 Freyburg/Unstrut, Germany (RM). The following terms of use shall apply.

This website is for people of 18 years of age or older only. Should you be younger, please leave immediately.

Please note that individual pages, services or functions herein may be subject to different terms that may precede the present ones.

Intellectual property

RM and its licensers reserve all copyrights and other property rights to this website’s contents, its texts, presentations, graphics, layouts, images, audio and video and their selection and arrangement and other information on this website in particular. Any reproduction, dissemination, renting out, lending, presentation, publication, accessibility, processing, modification or other use of said contents of this website requires RM’s prior written consent. Users may only reproduce pages as technically required for browsing.

The respective owners reserve all rights to brands, trademarks, names and titles etc. used on this website.


RM does not guarantee this website’s contents’ correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness. In particular it does not guarantee that the website will be permanently accessible, error-free, virus-free and safe and that its contents can be downloaded safely .

With the exception of damages RM has caused wilfully or in gross negligence, it is not liable for damages resulting from a use of this website, any loss of programs or data in particular.

You may only use this website in accordance with these terms of use and for lawful and proper purposes. In particular it is prohibited to use software, procedures or devices that manually or electronically impede this website’s functionality or cause traffic overload.

Links to external websites

This website provides links to external websites operated by third parties. These websites’ accessibility or contents are not subject to RM’s control or influence. RM does not necessarily endorse these websites’ contents and is not liable or responsible for their contents or safety.


RM is entitled to modify, amend or remove the contents of this website or stop operating this website at any time without notice.

Applicable law, place of jurisdiction

This website and the present terms of use are governed by the laws and regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany. If you are a Kaufmann within the meaning of this German legal term, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from our contractual relationship is Halle/Saale. RM can also file suit at any other competent court. Any out-of-court arbitration is hereby excluded.